marți, 4 mai 2010

Los amantes del Círculo Polar

I always believed that one should be very careful when writing about something romantic so you don't go into stereotypes. This time, after I saw the movie, I just had to tell you about it..True, it may be romantic but it's worth your while.
Julio Medem, though not very notorious has quite a filmography. I believe he became known with Lucia y el sexo in 2001, but in 1998 he gave us a better one: Los amantes del Circulo Polar. Practically it sais that coincidenses are the way fate tries to help us. But there's more to it. It is a very simetrically built piece and simple, in the best way. The story is told from more perspectives and angles. The beginning is the end, but you forget it anyway, and in the end it comes as a surprise. The signs are right in front of us but we would be fools if we would really follow them, right ? And what if we're too late ?
My simpleton questions are everybodys at one point or another and we have no exact answer anyway.. This time it's not me, or you, it's Anna and Otto and you know they belong together. They know it too. The Polar Circle should be their final point where to be happy..Would I shock you if I would tell you they don't get there ?
Beginning from their school and parents, everything and everybody "helps" to bring them closer. So, as you could imagine they become unseparable but one kind of love can distroy another kind when you're not careful. And guilt has such a power...
Otto thinks that lifes have many cicles but his has only turned once and not completely...the most important thing is missing.
Anna believes that she could tell her life story as a train of coincidenses.
I only hope that this will be impressive enough to wake us up from our daily cynicism.

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